Sign a shin on the 6th April!

We are fundraising for our shiny new uniforms designed by the wonderful #77 Comic Slams and printed by the equally wonderful (and a stallholder at our home game) Derby Lab. Any donations will be gratefully received and as a thank you our skaters and volunteers will write your name on their shins (or forearms). So what else are you waiting for? Get donating and we'll get signing! This form will close at 11:30am on the 6th April

We suggest a donate of £5 per signing however, any amount is welcome

What name do you want writing?
This can be your name, or the name of someone you want to honour! Please note, only state one name. Any swearing or offence words will not be written on our skaters / volunteers and we retain the right to refuse any names. If you would like your name written on multiple skaters / volunteers, please complete the form for each one with a new donation amount.
Personal Info

Donate quickly and securely with Stripe

How it works: A Stripe window will open after you click the 'Donate Now' button where you can securely make your donation. You will then be brought back to this page to view your receipt.

Here's what you're about to donate:
Donation summary
Payment amount
Giving frequency
One time
Donation Total

Donation Total: £5.00